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Magnum Stone Retaining Walls
The MagnumStone®brand has been well-established in the retaining wall market for over 30 years. It has become synonymous with incredible quality, durable and beautiful products, and highly-inventive “Retaining Walls”. Over the years Magnum Stone® has affired its place as a major competitor in the industry, and as a product trusted by patrons and licensees the world over. Today, the MagnumStone®brand story extends to a large array of retaining wall product sub-brands and product identities
Gravity Walls Gravity retaining walls can be built in tight areas with limited excavation space. MagnumStone’sgravity retaining wall extenders offer designers the ability to build taller gravity retaining wallsby increasing the wall depth in 2 ft. or 4 ft. increments. Gravity extenders deliver impactfulperformance while further fortifying retaining wall outside corners
Geogrid Walls Geogrid retaining wall designs are used to reinforce soil mass and help designers buildretaining walls that will resist active forces from above and behind the wall. MagnumStoneSecureLug connection offers a superior interlock between the specified grids and theblock-to-block connection.
Water Applications MagnumStone’s hollow core offers internal vertical and horizontal drainage design advantages.This minimizes the effects of hydrostatic pressures behind the wall. MagnumStone’s wet-castunits provide durable 4,000 psi (27.5 MPa) concrete that’s resistant to freeze-thaw cycles andsaturated conditions. MagnumStone blocks are optimal for stormwater management solutionsincluding dry ponds, retention ponds and drainage channels.
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[0] => Gravity retaining walls can be built in tight areas with limited excavation space. MagnumStone’sgravity retaining wall extenders offer designers the ability to build taller gravity retaining wallsby increasing the wall depth in 2 ft. or 4 ft. increments. Gravity extenders deliver impactfulperformance while further fortifying retaining wall outside corners
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[0] => Geogrid retaining wall designs are used to reinforce soil mass and help designers buildretaining walls that will resist active forces from above and behind the wall. MagnumStoneSecureLug connection offers a superior interlock between the specified grids and theblock-to-block connection.
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[0] => MagnumStone’s hollow core offers internal vertical and horizontal drainage design advantages.This minimizes the effects of hydrostatic pressures behind the wall. MagnumStone’s wet-castunits provide durable 4,000 psi (27.5 MPa) concrete that’s resistant to freeze-thaw cycles andsaturated conditions. MagnumStone blocks are optimal for stormwater management solutionsincluding dry ponds, retention ponds and drainage channels.
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[title] => Geogrid Walls
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[text] => Geogrid retaining wall designs are used to reinforce soil mass and help designers buildretaining walls that will resist active forces from above and behind the wall. MagnumStoneSecureLug connection offers a superior interlock between the specified grids and theblock-to-block connection.
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[title] => Water Applications
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[text] => MagnumStone’s hollow core offers internal vertical and horizontal drainage design advantages.This minimizes the effects of hydrostatic pressures behind the wall. MagnumStone’s wet-castunits provide durable 4,000 psi (27.5 MPa) concrete that’s resistant to freeze-thaw cycles andsaturated conditions. MagnumStone blocks are optimal for stormwater management solutionsincluding dry ponds, retention ponds and drainage channels.
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